You're a bit behind the times Les. Zero hours contracts ? actually paying someone ? That's so last year. For young men such as these, True blue Jimmy thinks volunteering is the way forward, none of that messy salary thing. Another first in football......... the volunteer player.
It's not so much for Jimmy's bottom line you understand, it's just the best way to train these youngsters so they are fully skilled and prepared once they enter paid workforce life. It's about time fans realised what it costs to run a football club, there's all sorts of mouths to feed, pension contributions to consider, building projects to mull over.
Maybe Jimmy's invested in one of them there Fast One football software products. A bit like Toad's fastfill market skimming software products that automatically adjust, play the market, and rake it in while you sleep.
Apparently the footy version has an algorithm that matches the last promotion place with the least possible wage bill, at the end of the annual market cycle in May. No reference to the next year is needed as investment is considered for fools only, and surplus funds are transferred off board , with a new ground zero dialed in for the next trading phase that doesn't start until August.