Friends of Central Park meeting calendar and activities for 2015
Unless stated otherwise, meetings take place at the Bowling Pavilion starting at 7.30 pm. Refreshments served from 7.15 pm.
There is a different focus for each meeting as we seek to work with others to revitalise Central Park for everyone’s enjoyment. New members are always welcome.
The Tidy Team meet at the Golf Hut at 10.00 am on the following Wednesdays: 11th March, 15th April, 13th May, 10th June, 15th July, 9th September, 14th October and 11th November. We spend about 2 hours providing a little TLC in different places. Open to everyone – not just members.
Tuesday 10th March Finding your way. We will look at proposals for new signage that will help people get the most from their visits to the park.
Tuesday 14th April Woodland for people and wildlife. The Pennycomequick Valley has the potential to be a place which is full of interest, colour and birdlife. This meeting will lay the foundations for a management plan to achieve that.
Tuesday 12th May Trees matter. The park’s trees are threatened by diseases and more than 100 young trees in the park will need watering this summer. Come to this meeting and practical demonstration to find out what you can do to help.
Tuesday 9th June Annual General Meeting. We will review the group’s activities over the past year and look ahead to future plans. This is a must-do for finding out all the latest developments with the park’s Masterplan.
Tuesday 14th July The new lake. We will look at proposals for the new lake and the next steps to funding the project. It will include a walk to the new lake site at Barn Park.
24th July to 2nd August Love Parks week. The first public consultation on the new lake will be held in the park during the 2015 Love Parks week.
Tuesday 8th September The southern slopes. This will be an opportunity to work through some of the practical issues with new housing proposals at the southern edge of the park and it will include a site visit.
Tuesday 13th October Winter work plans. Winter is the time for cutting back overgrown vegetation and planting new trees and bulbs. This session will look to co- ordinate activities with other groups to get the best result overall.
Tuesday 10th November Signposting update. This meeting will review progress with the signposting project and the next steps to its delivery.
Tuesday 8th December Christmas social
Also this Events will move to Central Park
CENTRAL Park is set to be filled with music, food and fun as stalls set up camp outside the Life Centre.
After relocating from Devonport Park, the popular events have changed to a more central location.
Annette Laurie, who organises the fun days, says they will be "bigger and better".
Friends of Devonport Park say they are going ahead with the events they have already got booked throughout the year, which apprentices from Devonport Live will help to run.
Annette said: "We won't have a band stand but we will still keep with the theory of music, food and fun. We will have music, activities for children, crafts, food and more, and there will be a different themes"
LEAP also have plans for a big culture festival in August, as well as special Easter and Halloween events.
A council spokesman said: "Devonport Park has proved an extremely popular venue for community and other events. We have been in discussion with a number of organisations about planned events and LEAP have agreed to relocate their programme to Central Park