The stream of odious, cretinous thatcherite influenced governments since that evil **** thatcher (spit) started her destruction of the UK in 1979 has led to this disgraceful situation that the country is now in. Manufacturing industries destroyed, countless whole communities destroyed, and the country completely held to ransom by greedy and corrupt international banks. Thatcherite brown bailed out the currupt, greedy and crimininally incompetent banks, and this policy is totally supported by criminal bankers friends cameron and osborne who use the bail-out as an excuse to make savage public spending cuts. Nothing is safe from cuts by cameron and osborne. The only priorities for these peices of scum is the slavish devotion to the failing EU, international stage posturing i.e. fighting illegal wars with an underfunded and shrinking armed forces, and cosying up to international banking and businesses. The treachery and incompetence of all govenments of the past 30 years is breathtaking. I do NOT vote anymore.