Normal white men that is. I see the latest thinly disguised attempt to discredit us starts with a website where on the face of it young girls list their dreadful experience at the hands of us men whilst at school. Its being driven by a RAPE CULTURE and us men need to train our boys not to be so rapey.
On the other hand it could be (and definitely is imo) a ruse developed by militant feminists who have fook all better to do than cry victim and drive more wedges between an already fractured society. Firstly all these allegations are anonymous, secondly they could possibly be written by middle aged women with an axe to grind with all men and if you've been raped or sexually assaulted shorely a visit to the old bill would be more effective?
Personally I think that there is a toxic culture running deep through the yoof of today driven by gangster rap culture, misogyny, intimidation and violence all occour as result, (not to mention black on black knife crimes and murder that is also somehow our fault despite really having fook all to do with us either) women are portrayed as Ho's, Bitches and tramps, being a murdering gangster with a BMW full of Ho's living off the proceeds of heavy drug dealing is seen as the new UNI for lots of kids now. Sadly none of that is the fault of us normal white blokes and I'm fooking sick of it all now, I'm not a racist, I'm not a rapist and if people want a scapegoat then sadly they will have to become "racists" to find one.