I am split on this one, controversial i know, but i sort of agree with blatter(i never thought id say that) in what happens on the pitch stays on the pitch. now i have no doubt that JT called AF a black bastard, but i know from experiance things are said in the heat of the moment when tempers flair and we as humans tend to say things in situations that we would not normally say in every day life. Was JT right to say what he said, probably not he he probably regretted it the moment he said it, but does that make him racist, i think not.
How many times have people on here who have played football over the years, have called mates or the opposition names during a match, back in the eities when i played a little, if we were tackled badly by an irishman we would say "f-off you terrorist" or a scot would be a "jock bastard" a black bloke "monkey or black c@nt" and at the end of the match 9 times out of 10 we would all shake hands and go for a drink, no offence intended, just the heat of the battle.
Im not saying in this day and age it is right, but Ferdinand could just in private asked for an apology, accepted it shook hands and moved on.
But Terry was charged, now the situation changes, innocent or guilty the FA was right to remove the captaincy, how can we have a captain of the England team leading the team facing criminal charges. What if england won the tornament and Terry was found guilty, what would the headline be "Euro winners led by a racist" the world of football would be laughing at us.
For me one of the big problems is Capello, he should never have given the captaincy back to Terry after he lost it the first time, then we wouldnt be talking about this right now.
Now once again we are going to a major tornament with Terry surrounded by controvasy. Time for Cappelo to man up as well, yes he backs Terry and disagree's with the FA ruling, but england performing in the Euro's is far more important than one man.
I would leave Terry at home, we saw what happened at the last tornament he was stripped of his captaincy, he couldnt stay away from the press and was a disruptive character, we and as a nation need to go to the Euro's and have people talking about the football, not a disruptive atmosphere in the england camp.