A guide ..
Everything hurts as soon as you sit up
1. Light hurts:*The darkness has suddenly become your friend because it helps to calm the pounding in your head. If light hurts your eyes before you even open them, then your hangover is pretty bad.
2. You have the spins:*Despite the fact that you stopped drinking*hours*ago, your room is still spinning and even the act of going to the bathroom becomes dangerous. Gravity suddenly hates you.
3. You have no cure:*Your usual hangover-fixing breakfast of a hot chicken roll from the shop down the road does nothing for you, except make you violently ill.
4. Tablets don’t help:*Even taking two tables for your headache makes you violently ill.
5. Social networking, as if:*You’re not even able to pick up your phone and untag yourself in those embarrassing pictures from last night, you know you’re not well.
6. You hate clocks:*Even the noise of the clock ticking in the hallway is aggravating your headache and making you feel so much worse.
7. You want to be alone:*You don’t want sympathy, you don’t want hugs, you just want everyone to leave you alone so you can curl up into the foetal position and cry to yourself.
8. Simple tasks are hard:*Putting on pants requires too much effort and shoes with laces are just a no-go. You can’t even walk to the kitchen to get yourself some water.
9. Movement isn’t happening:*You can’t even flip yourself over in the bed, let alone bend ever-so-slightly to pick your phone/drink up off the ground.