I can't help but feel that we look at The Falklands in completely the wrong way. They are an assetless, difficult to maintain peacefully, collection of lumps of rock. They are certainly not something worth losing young fellas lives over. If the Argentinians want them that much, then they can have them. For exchange, of course; I know they've got no money but perhaps we could ensure cheaper steaks and wine for Brits across the next 50 years or something. I'd certainly exchange that for the knowledge that we "unpatriotically" ceded a pointless, far away territory to a nation geographically irrelevant to us otherwise. Re-home the islanders who wish to remain in 'British territory' wherever they like, the cost is surely less than the expense of maintaining a permanent army and naval base out there. Watch the Argentinians' dim faces when they realise they've been sold a kipper and their passionate fervour about the irrelevant rocks turns their corrupt politicians towards the actual issues within their country.