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PostSubject: SOME TRUTHS!!!!!ONEONE!!!ONE   SOME TRUTHS!!!!!ONEONE!!!ONE EmptyFri Mar 07, 2014 5:27 pm

Peeps, lend me your lugholes.

I need to make some alterations to my earlier post as I wasn't being 100% completely truthful.

Here goes:

1) I have never EVER posted on ATD. That is a lie. But I have posted under the username of Sting Curtain, this was an anagram of Tring Is A cnut. I also posted on the original version of ATD, Argyle Talk and with the help of my best buddy Ponty (who I blamed for being Greenman) we sabotaged the site before closing it down, at the same time effectively stealing the money the members had paid to run the site in the first place.

2) My son has not ever threatened or thrown a drink over Willis. That is a lie. But one of my good buddy's has done. My son has however, threatened Greenjock via email. Copies of which have been seen by many others.

3) I have never been involved with a Private Investigator. I have never paid for any of his services or have I asked for any of his services on a 'no charge' basis. That is a lie. But another of my close friends, deepthroater Jameson did and I knew all about it.

4) I have never threatened Peter Gordon or any of his family. That is a lie. As per point 2, my son has however.

5) I have no multi accounts on Pasoti. That is a lie. Not anymore no, but I did used to post as Windsor boy and deepthroat to name just two.

6) James Brent and Nik Barron are not co owners of, or have they given me any money to buy, Pasoti. That is a lie.

8 ) I have never knowingly broadcast any files or pictures over the internet. That is a lie. Although I did post thousands of images to an online (therefore over the internet) image hosting website.

9) I have never kept any personal details of anyone that I have dealt with. That is a lie. I did however have a search of Rickler's house, a picture of Chemical Ali, a screenshot of a facebook status by Andy Symons, a screenshot of an email from Cobi's father with details of his personal medical condition just to name a few

10) I have never hacked into anyone's E mail account. Nor have I asked anyone to. That is a lie. But I did have a screenshot of an I-Phone text message of me asking someone to, stored on my flickr which wasn't over the internet of course.

Here to help.

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PostSubject: Re: SOME TRUTHS!!!!!ONEONE!!!ONE   SOME TRUTHS!!!!!ONEONE!!!ONE EmptyFri Mar 07, 2014 5:40 pm

I'm going to hell

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PostSubject: Re: SOME TRUTHS!!!!!ONEONE!!!ONE   SOME TRUTHS!!!!!ONEONE!!!ONE EmptyFri Mar 07, 2014 5:53 pm

Yea Man wrote:
Peeps, lend me your lugholes.

I need to make some alterations to my earlier post as I wasn't being 100% completely truthful.

Here goes:

1) I have never EVER posted on ATD. That is a lie. But I have posted under the username of Sting Curtain, this was an anagram of Tring Is A cnut. I also posted on the original version of ATD, Argyle Talk and with the help of my best buddy Ponty (who I blamed for being Greenman) we sabotaged the site before closing it down, at the same time effectively stealing the money the members had paid to run the site in the first place.

2) My son has not ever threatened or thrown a drink over Willis. That is a lie. But one of my good buddy's has done. My son has however, threatened Greenjock via email.  Copies of which have been seen by many others.

3) I have a very small willy, I'm not happy about that but I have to live with it and I am quite attached to it. True, I have always had a small willy but it doesn't matter because I don't use it anyway

4) I have never been involved with a Private Investigator. I have never paid for any of his services or have I asked for any of his services on a 'no charge' basis. That is a lie. But another of my close friends, deepthroater Jameson did and I knew all about it.  

5) I have never threatened Peter Gordon or any of his family. That is a lie. As per point 2, my son has however.

6) I have no multi accounts on Pasoti. That is a lie. Not anymore no, but I did used to post as Windsor boy and deepthroat to name just two.

7) James Brent and Nik Barron are not co owners of, or have they given me any money to buy, Pasoti. That is a lie.

8 ) I have never knowingly broadcast any files or pictures over the internet. That is a lie. Although I did post thousands of images to an online (therefore over the internet) image hosting website.  

9) I have never kept any personal details of anyone that I have dealt with. That is a lie. I did however have a search of Rickler's house, a picture of Chemical Ali, a screenshot of a facebook status by Andy Symons, a screenshot of an email from Cobi's father with details of his personal medical condition just to name a few

10) I have never hacked into anyone's E mail account. Nor have I asked anyone to. That is a lie. But I did have a screenshot of an I-Phone text message of me asking someone to, stored on my flickr which wasn't over the internet of course.

Here to help.

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