Not whilst Baby James is slipping the Mogadon into the Avivas pasties, thankfully I am glad just to have a club to support and thank him on a daily basis for not just selling the stadium and team when he saved us. We are like a team being put into a cryogenic machine for as long as it takes for BJ to rape the club, sadly it's going to be a long time until he's started anything let alone finishes it and I wouldn't be surprised if we haven't hit our lowest point yet.
I look at JBs tenure as a long illness, tough but we are strong and natural order will one day be resumed when our higher crowds actually mean an advantage in the league rather than just helping to prop up a quick asset strip and land grab by one of the scum of this country that take, take, take whilst having their egos massaged by people that aid and abett them.
Ps. You are no longer the enemy, the enemy is within.