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 Sad songs & Alcohol.

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Sad songs & Alcohol. Empty
PostSubject: Sad songs & Alcohol.   Sad songs & Alcohol. EmptyWed Nov 14, 2012 11:55 pm

Don't mix, do they!

I love a few beers and thought I would have a couple of dozen tinnies whilst watching the Engerlund game. I really enjoyed the refreshing way England played and wasn't too bothered about the result.

Nothing else on TV so went upstairs into the study, fired up supercomputer 'Fred' and played a bit of muzac whilst browsing.

I usually make a few playlists up for business trips and holidays etc. I just started to play one of my playlistst and for some reason started to look at some old snaps (currently have 102Gb's of photo's due to my photography fetish!)..... I don't know why, but I found myself looking at photo's of things like my Brother whom we've lost, my dog who I loved to bits who I lost back along, and last but not least my Dad who died when I was 12.

One minute I was fine, downstairs watching the footy, next minute, footy finished, I was upstairs on my PC crying like a baby!! Down to the beer? or am I just a soft old soppy bastard who at my time of life doesn't make plans but just takes stock!

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