Ladies and Gentlemen,
You are all probably aware that the site has been under attack now for some time from persons trying to cause mischief and discredit us. These attacks have come in the shape of spoof Twitter accounts, spoof legal threats, spoof users and an entirely spoof website. The site has also come under attack from a hacker trying to gain access to certain user’s passwords.
We are glad to see common sense has prevailed and the spoof website shut down
Due to this the mods on here have had to take action outside of our normal terms of reference. All new users have to respond to an email from the administration team before their account is activated. Other users have had their accounts suspended until they respond to the email. Duplicate accounts have been deleted.
The Trust forum is temporarily locked to "guest" posters as this facility was being abused. It will be re-opened when things calm down.
Some posts have been moved without our usual explanations. Normal service will resume once the attacks are over, but we just don't have the time to conduct ourselves in our usual manner.
The administration team here at ATD ask all users to show restraint during these times. Please don't be goaded into a response from attacks on other sites and social media. Its what they want, so don't give them the attention they so desperately crave.
ATD Admin