Does it matter if we start again ? I'm all for a phoenix non-league species out on some far flung planet where the same old shite, including Trump and his kind, are no more than a bad dream. It won't take us long with the size of our incredibly clever heads to get back to where we belong. LOL.
I remember being sent home from school when Yom Kippur kicked off in 1960s, yes, actually sent home to prepare for armageddon. We were all going to die then. It's kinda comforting to go back to those halcyon sunny days of nuclear arma"geddon" just around the corner, makes me feel at peace.
One thing is for sure, we've been lucky to have a peaceful 70 years in our neck of the woods coinciding with my life. I like to think that's all down to me, but I doubt it. The same old dogs have been raising their game for some years now, just baying for it, old enmities surfacing, same old cracks reappearing, of which mad rich dog Trump with a personality problem is just one. The other gambler is just as bad, but quite a lot shorter in more ways than one. Some humans just can't resist a good ol' ruck. We either let them or we don't.
Apart from all that, I on occasion follow one of those clearly Russian inspired internet sites that backed Trump, Brexit etc. Zerohedge it's called, taking the rise out of hedge funds and under the guise of a Wall St/london stock commentary. Basically, it states, over a period of time we all die, meaning that there is just no hedging that particular risk. LOL. Classic Russian philosophy and not far from the truth. Shame about them supporting Trumpy though, and being thoroughly bad eggs themselves.