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Posts : 10912
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 73
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PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 6:25 am

Andy_Symons wrote:
GOB wrote:
PAFC is a club that I am no longer proud to support.

Sad days, dirty days.

I can put up with the team being poor.

I can put up with the club being a shambles.

I can put up with my (and my son's) 'Matchday Experience' being ruined by the Family area - which is where I'd intended to sit with my lad this season - being moved long after a number of us had forked out a considerable amount of money on Season Tickets. Are you reading this bit, Peter Jones?

I can even put up with the crap we've been fed about 'competitive budgets' and 'promotion a target' since I know spin when I see it.

What I can't put up with is a situation where a good friend of mine is canned from contributing to the Programme, only to see her column replaced by an almost identical one which has lifted its content from Greens On Screen - the website where many of my good friend's history columns from the programme ended up. Can you see where this is going?

Someone (or it may be more than one person) is spineless, gutless and cowardly. And it's symptomatic of a wider malaise at Argyle. Even when the club was being run on a shoestring by a despot (Macauley) I didn't feel as detached and devalued as I do now; it does appear that the club (or its hierarchy) only want to engage with fans who will blindly follow the leadership line without question. And that's precisely the attitude that led the club into millions of pounds of debt only a couple of years ago.

I'll be 46 in a couple of weeks time. And for 38 of those 46 years I've been following Argyle up and down this land. Stranded in Bradford, pissed in Sheffield, awestruck in Newcastle and hysterically happy in Rochdale - Argyle has been a big part of my life. Now? I just can't be arsed any more. I had genuinely looked forward to this season - the pride I felt at my son becoming a Season Ticket holder, alongside his old man; tinged with sadness that my dad, who died two years ago and introduced me to the Greens in 1974, wouldn't be accompanying us to games.

But now? I couldn't care less. The team I've supported since I was 8 years old means less and less to me with each day that passes. As the behaviour of certain 'supporters' gets worse, and as those 'supporters' are indulged and even encouraged by the owner and his Board, I get closer and closer to walking away. There's plenty of things George and I can do of a weekend. We don't have to go to Home Park, we could go to Brickfields, where we'll receive a warm welcome, enjoy a genuine family atmosphere and an excellent 'matchday experience'. What we don't have to do is visit a football ground where a tinpot dictator like Ian Newell can threaten, lie and bully as a means of gaining entry to the Directors Box.

Well that's just about the size of it for any 'thinking' Argyle fan.

Welcome to my world.

I used to be accused of 'wanting' Argyle to lose, well surprise, surprise, I now think it would be best in the long run if they do. The sooner this mob are exposed for the tinpot, incompetent, scheming and bullying control freaks they are, the better.
They won't walk away, they won't change, so there needs to be more abject failure before the game will be up for them and a new owner or trust , that cares enough to pay for a professional set up instead of relying upon spin and sychophants is in place.

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PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 9:24 am

Andy_Symons wrote:
GOB wrote:
PAFC is a club that I am no longer proud to support.

Sad days, dirty days.

I can put up with the team being poor.

I can put up with the club being a shambles.

I can put up with my (and my son's) 'Matchday Experience' being ruined by the Family area - which is where I'd intended to sit with my lad this season - being moved long after a number of us had forked out a considerable amount of money on Season Tickets. Are you reading this bit, Peter Jones?

I can even put up with the crap we've been fed about 'competitive budgets' and 'promotion a target' since I know spin when I see it.

What I can't put up with is a situation where a good friend of mine is canned from contributing to the Programme, only to see her column replaced by an almost identical one which has lifted its content from Greens On Screen - the website where many of my good friend's history columns from the programme ended up. Can you see where this is going?

Someone (or it may be more than one person) is spineless, gutless and cowardly. And it's symptomatic of a wider malaise at Argyle. Even when the club was being run on a shoestring by a despot (Macauley) I didn't feel as detached and devalued as I do now; it does appear that the club (or its hierarchy) only want to engage with fans who will blindly follow the leadership line without question. And that's precisely the attitude that led the club into millions of pounds of debt only a couple of years ago.

I'll be 46 in a couple of weeks time. And for 38 of those 46 years I've been following Argyle up and down this land. Stranded in Bradford, pissed in Sheffield, awestruck in Newcastle and hysterically happy in Rochdale - Argyle has been a big part of my life. Now? I just can't be arsed any more. I had genuinely looked forward to this season - the pride I felt at my son becoming a Season Ticket holder, alongside his old man; tinged with sadness that my dad, who died two years ago and introduced me to the Greens in 1974, wouldn't be accompanying us to games.

But now? I couldn't care less. The team I've supported since I was 8 years old means less and less to me with each day that passes. As the behaviour of certain 'supporters' gets worse, and as those 'supporters' are indulged and even encouraged by the owner and his Board, I get closer and closer to walking away. There's plenty of things George and I can do of a weekend. We don't have to go to Home Park, we could go to Brickfields, where we'll receive a warm welcome, enjoy a genuine family atmosphere and an excellent 'matchday experience'. What we don't have to do is visit a football ground where a tinpot dictator like Ian Newell can threaten, lie and bully as a means of gaining entry to the Directors Box.

I think that sums up a lot of feelings at the moment Andy, it's not about performance, we're all used to that, it's about the treatment of fellow fans. The club now seems to be being run using the same methods and tactics as its Internet forum.
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Posts : 14505
Join date : 2011-12-11
Location : Central Park (most days)

statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 9:57 am

GOB wrote:
Andy_Symons wrote:
GOB wrote:
PAFC is a club that I am no longer proud to support.

Sad days, dirty days.

I can put up with the team being poor.

I can put up with the club being a shambles.

I can put up with my (and my son's) 'Matchday Experience' being ruined by the Family area - which is where I'd intended to sit with my lad this season - being moved long after a number of us had forked out a considerable amount of money on Season Tickets. Are you reading this bit, Peter Jones?

I can even put up with the crap we've been fed about 'competitive budgets' and 'promotion a target' since I know spin when I see it.

What I can't put up with is a situation where a good friend of mine is canned from contributing to the Programme, only to see her column replaced by an almost identical one which has lifted its content from Greens On Screen - the website where many of my good friend's history columns from the programme ended up. Can you see where this is going?

Someone (or it may be more than one person) is spineless, gutless and cowardly. And it's symptomatic of a wider malaise at Argyle. Even when the club was being run on a shoestring by a despot (Macauley) I didn't feel as detached and devalued as I do now; it does appear that the club (or its hierarchy) only want to engage with fans who will blindly follow the leadership line without question. And that's precisely the attitude that led the club into millions of pounds of debt only a couple of years ago.

I'll be 46 in a couple of weeks time. And for 38 of those 46 years I've been following Argyle up and down this land. Stranded in Bradford, pissed in Sheffield, awestruck in Newcastle and hysterically happy in Rochdale - Argyle has been a big part of my life. Now? I just can't be arsed any more. I had genuinely looked forward to this season - the pride I felt at my son becoming a Season Ticket holder, alongside his old man; tinged with sadness that my dad, who died two years ago and introduced me to the Greens in 1974, wouldn't be accompanying us to games.

But now? I couldn't care less. The team I've supported since I was 8 years old means less and less to me with each day that passes. As the behaviour of certain 'supporters' gets worse, and as those 'supporters' are indulged and even encouraged by the owner and his Board, I get closer and closer to walking away. There's plenty of things George and I can do of a weekend. We don't have to go to Home Park, we could go to Brickfields, where we'll receive a warm welcome, enjoy a genuine family atmosphere and an excellent 'matchday experience'. What we don't have to do is visit a football ground where a tinpot dictator like Ian Newell can threaten, lie and bully as a means of gaining entry to the Directors Box.

I think that sums up a lot of feelings at the moment Andy, it's not about performance, we're all used to that, it's about the treatment of fellow fans. The club now seems to be being run using the same methods and tactics as its Internet forum.

I agree,

I am in my mid sixty a season ticket holder for to many years. Was hoping to start to bring my 5 year old grandson to some games this season, but where Harry and sooty and sweep running the show it been hard to bring myself to go to Home Park. I will not let my grandson be expose to the atmosphere there and my heart for the club as been slowly eroded away.

I will be taking him to the Raider this season but leave Albion to next year to see what he will takes to.
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Chemical Ali

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statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 9:59 am

GOB wrote:
Andy_Symons wrote:
GOB wrote:
PAFC is a club that I am no longer proud to support.

Sad days, dirty days.

I can put up with the team being poor.

I can put up with the club being a shambles.

I can put up with my (and my son's) 'Matchday Experience' being ruined by the Family area - which is where I'd intended to sit with my lad this season - being moved long after a number of us had forked out a considerable amount of money on Season Tickets. Are you reading this bit, Peter Jones?

I can even put up with the crap we've been fed about 'competitive budgets' and 'promotion a target' since I know spin when I see it.

What I can't put up with is a situation where a good friend of mine is canned from contributing to the Programme, only to see her column replaced by an almost identical one which has lifted its content from Greens On Screen - the website where many of my good friend's history columns from the programme ended up. Can you see where this is going?

Someone (or it may be more than one person) is spineless, gutless and cowardly. And it's symptomatic of a wider malaise at Argyle. Even when the club was being run on a shoestring by a despot (Macauley) I didn't feel as detached and devalued as I do now; it does appear that the club (or its hierarchy) only want to engage with fans who will blindly follow the leadership line without question. And that's precisely the attitude that led the club into millions of pounds of debt only a couple of years ago.

I'll be 46 in a couple of weeks time. And for 38 of those 46 years I've been following Argyle up and down this land. Stranded in Bradford, pissed in Sheffield, awestruck in Newcastle and hysterically happy in Rochdale - Argyle has been a big part of my life. Now? I just can't be arsed any more. I had genuinely looked forward to this season - the pride I felt at my son becoming a Season Ticket holder, alongside his old man; tinged with sadness that my dad, who died two years ago and introduced me to the Greens in 1974, wouldn't be accompanying us to games.

But now? I couldn't care less. The team I've supported since I was 8 years old means less and less to me with each day that passes. As the behaviour of certain 'supporters' gets worse, and as those 'supporters' are indulged and even encouraged by the owner and his Board, I get closer and closer to walking away. There's plenty of things George and I can do of a weekend. We don't have to go to Home Park, we could go to Brickfields, where we'll receive a warm welcome, enjoy a genuine family atmosphere and an excellent 'matchday experience'. What we don't have to do is visit a football ground where a tinpot dictator like Ian Newell can threaten, lie and bully as a means of gaining entry to the Directors Box.

I think that sums up a lot of feelings at the moment Andy, it's not about performance, we're all used to that, it's about the treatment of fellow fans. The club now seems to be being run using the same methods and tactics as its Internet forum.

Excellent post Andy and sadly it's the way a lot of us are feeling right now. Attendances will drop and the fans will be blamed for Argyle's struggle the season, when it's been on the cards since the first pre season friendly.

The treatment of Peggy has been abysmal and cowardly- especially as she has got off her ass and do quite a bit for te club. It's very strange why her column was withdrawn when the replacement page is similar but written by someone else. Clearly there hasn't been a change or freshening up.

The club is in rapid decline on and off the pitch, and the green tints are hoodwinked by half assed attempts at pubs, big flags and poorly thought out schemes.
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statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 10:04 am

I felt so hopeful when James Brent took over the reins of PAFC last year.

Having listened to him at the PASALB get together last November and heard his views on the future for Argyle I felt that he was a genuine type of fellow and wondered what the hell he was doing in football to be honest.

It was obvious that Chris Webb spoke from the heart when he shared......but I was also aware of Ian Newell in the background....and my first impressions of him left me feeling uneasy...he was selling scarves and did an auction of various things....I just didn't take to the man at all.

So Mr Brent if what I saw from you last November was genuine...I now say that you have to sort this mess out and make the necessary management changes and take heed of who are leading elements of Argyle support...because I feel that there are people who seek more than just the success of this club....personal power is their aim whatever.
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PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 10:17 am

ZYPH wrote:
I felt so hopeful when James Brent took over the reins of PAFC last year.

Having listened to him at the PASALB get together last November and heard his views on the future for Argyle I felt that he was a genuine type of fellow and wondered what the hell he was doing in football to be honest.

It was obvious that Chris Webb spoke from the heart when he shared......but I was also aware of Ian Newell in the background....and my first impressions of him left me feeling uneasy...he was selling scarves and did an auction of various things....I just didn't take to the man at all.

So Mr Brent if what I saw from you last November was genuine...I now say that you have to sort this mess out and make the necessary management changes and take heed of who are leading elements of Argyle support...because I feel that there are people who seek more than just the success of this club....personal power is their aim whatever.

Bloody hell Zyph ! Welcome to the world of freaks n weirdos Rolling Eyes
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PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 10:28 am

Comments on this thread sum up my feelings too. I grew up with Argyle. Would never miss a home match if at all possible until work eventually completely took me away from the area. When I lived in London I mainly went to away matches but came down to Plymouth for home matches on the odd occasion. When I first moved back down here in 2004 I was a season ticket holder until 2009/10 season. But I haven't felt a part of Argyle ever since the new world shite. Now this whole brent, webb and newell farce has only distanced me even more. I know as supporters we're supposed to support the club no matter what blah blah but what has happened over the past 5 years both on and off the pitch has made me exiled from the club. I still care as I'm on here but I feel like i'm commenting as a complete outsider.

Last edited by Freathy on Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 10:29 am

If attendances drop,its the fans who will be blamed though,not the management. The fans will be blamed for being apathetic,getting the team their support deserves,not supporting the team through thick and thin,not being praaaaaaaaaaaaaper fans.
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PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 10:32 am

Freathy wrote:
Comments on this thread sum up my feelings too. I grew up with Argyle. Would never miss a home match if at all possible until work eventually completely took me away from the area. When I lived in London I mainly went to away matches but came down to Plymouth for home matches on the odd occasion. When I first moved back down here in 2004 I was a season ticket holder until 2009/10 season. But I haven't felt a part of Argyle ever since the new world shite. Now this whole brent, webb and newell farce has only distanced me even more. I know as supporters we're supposed to support the club no matter what blah blah but what has happened over the past 5 years both on and off the pitch has made me exiled from the club. I still care as I'm on here but I feel like i'm commenting as a complete outsider.

Yooooouuuum naaaaat a praaaaaaperrr faaaan Sad Act. Piss off n support Man U you plaaaaastic.

The irony of course being that old pig likes a trip to Old Trafford himself, so I've heard.
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PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 10:33 am

oddball wrote:
If attendances drop,its the fans who will be blamed though,not the management. The fans will be blamed for being apathetic,getting the team their support deserves,not supporting the team through thick and thin,not being praaaaaaaaaaaaaper fans.

The penny will drop with Brent eventually, once PJ decides to man up.
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statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 10:36 am

Tringreen wrote:
oddball wrote:
If attendances drop,its the fans who will be blamed though,not the management. The fans will be blamed for being apathetic,getting the team their support deserves,not supporting the team through thick and thin,not being praaaaaaaaaaaaaper fans.

The penny will drop with Brent eventually, once PJ decides to man up.

Will he though? as if he was going to speak up he would have said by now IMO.
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PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 10:42 am

Renegade wrote:
Tringreen wrote:
oddball wrote:
If attendances drop,its the fans who will be blamed though,not the management. The fans will be blamed for being apathetic,getting the team their support deserves,not supporting the team through thick and thin,not being praaaaaaaaaaaaaper fans.

The penny will drop with Brent eventually, once PJ decides to man up.

Will he though? as if he was going to speak up he would have said by now IMO.

Well if Brent is encouraging his supposed tribal leaders, he's in for a nasty surprise.

Not many of the fanbase are as stupid as he clearly thinks they must be.
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statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 10:44 am

hay ho,all very heart felt and that,i think its very bottem of the leauge syndrome myself,i understand andys piont of view,fair enough,but these are the facts weather you like it or not,6 and half 1000 for the norhamton gate because of leauge position,if we were top then 8/8500 through the gate,all you experts out there at running a football club,where were you when stapes(dr evil according to you lot lol! )was running the club,?ile remind you,,you were stood/sat on the terraces,supporting it,,,,for the shite that tring spouts, but a winning team out there and bang go the morals,,
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PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 10:45 am

ZYPH wrote:
I felt so hopeful when James Brent took over the reins of PAFC last year.

Having listened to him at the PASALB get together last November and heard his views on the future for Argyle I felt that he was a genuine type of fellow and wondered what the hell he was doing in football to be honest.

It was obvious that Chris Webb spoke from the heart when he shared......but I was also aware of Ian Newell in the background....and my first impressions of him left me feeling uneasy...he was selling scarves and did an auction of various things....I just didn't take to the man at all.

So Mr Brent if what I saw from you last November was genuine...I now say that you have to sort this mess out and make the necessary management changes and take heed of who are leading elements of Argyle support...because I feel that there are people who seek more than just the success of this club....personal power is their aim whatever.

I did not believed him from the start. It was a front to get his hand on the developing land, as I said on
different threads once his developing is finish he will be away. The only thing I believe what he says is Argyle will have to be run on it own generate income. ( he be gone before the full payment of the football debt is due in five years time)
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statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 10:49 am

weather wise its raining in plymouth.I don't like it.Bleddy bank holidays
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statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 10:54 am

oddball wrote:
weather wise its raining in plymouth.I don't like it.Bleddy bank holidays
theres always indoor gardening? cheers
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PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 11:00 am

tcm wrote:
oddball wrote:
weather wise its raining in plymouth.I don't like it.Bleddy bank holidays
theres always indoor gardening? cheers

helping the wife with the housework
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statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 11:16 am

tcm wrote:
hay ho,all very heart felt and that,i think its very bottem of the leauge syndrome myself,i understand andys piont of view,fair enough,but these are the facts weather you like it or not,6 and half 1000 for the norhamton gate because of leauge position,if we were top then 8/8500 through the gate,all you experts out there at running a football club,where were you when stapes(dr evil according to you lot lol! )was running the club,?ile remind you,,you were stood/sat on the terraces,supporting it,,,,for the shite that tring spouts, but a winning team out there and bang go the morals,,

A winning team? There's been no winning team for 5 years. And there's absolutely no sign of a winning team on the distant horizon!! That's the whole point FFS!!! All I've seen over past 5 years is asset stripping, greedy and outclassed 'directors' and property developers with no interest in football, and jumped up janners with absolutely nothing useful add gaining positions of influence which has gone hand in hand with very rapid decline on the pitch to a point where now we have 'team' that is so shit it's almost unwatchable. As for your 6,500 against the cobblers you may be right as it's early days but as the season drags on this will become less and less. People are not stupid.
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statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 11:25 am

I don't think PJ will man up, he seems to be to low in the pecking order.

Obviously there are one or two that now wield a bit of power and they seem happy to use it for personal vendettas which is nothing new to a few of us but even so, the past few months have been an eye opener as we've looked on and witnessed countless attacks on the Trust, character assassinations and dirty tricks by way of the creation of fictitious Internet Characters designed to cause disharmony and mayhem throughout the ranks of the fan-base and to divide and split the fans Trust. There's also the strong indications that information was being saved for future unscrupulous and devious acts as well as possible attempts to hack Internet email accounts. We've seen attempts to destabilize fans forums by spamming message boards with yet more fictitious characters and we've received phone calls and text messages designed to counter any dissenting voices as well as mock legal threats and spoof websites....the list is simply endless and is ongoing!

Some of us have read comments boasting of the latest dirty trick to be bestowed upon the latest and most fashionable hate campaign victim, the clubs performance seems not to matter as long as personal vendettas can be antagonised and as much hurt as possible provided to those that have in the past voiced disagreement.

During the pantomime we've seen free gifts handed out from James Brent in the way of titles and car parking spaces as well as positions normally provided to those with strong influence within the club, in the Directors box. James Brent is on record stating the values of the friendships that he has with one or two characters that seem constantly to be in the thick of the "action", raising even more questions and speculation as to James Brent's genuine intentions for PAFC.

We've read comments from a character that often sites himself in the Directors Box of how he would accept PAFC losing its FL status. Some would argue that one persons demand for recognition, power and control is not worth the cost to the club and its fans!

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statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 11:25 am

Freathy wrote:
tcm wrote:
hay ho,all very heart felt and that,i think its very bottem of the leauge syndrome myself,i understand andys piont of view,fair enough,but these are the facts weather you like it or not,6 and half 1000 for the norhamton gate because of leauge position,if we were top then 8/8500 through the gate,all you experts out there at running a football club,where were you when stapes(dr evil according to you lot lol! )was running the club,?ile remind you,,you were stood/sat on the terraces,supporting it,,,,for the shite that tring spouts, but a winning team out there and bang go the morals,,

A winning team? There's been no winning team for 5 years. And there's absolutely no sign of a winning team on the distant horizon!! That's the whole point FFS!!! All I've seen over past 5 years is asset stripping, greedy and outclassed 'directors' and property developers with no interest in football, and jumped up janners with absolutely nothing useful add gaining positions of influence which has gone hand in hand with very rapid decline on the pitch to a point where now we have 'team' that is so shit it's almost unwatchable. As for your 6,500 against the cobblers you may be right as it's early days but as the season drags on this will become less and less. People are not stupid.
and my whole point is that with a winning team the morals go out the window,,people that try to take the moral high ground were all there supporting stapes team,i expect you were too?,evry one new what we were paying for players every one new it couldnt go on BUT we all left are morals at home and skipped off to HP,
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Chemical Ali

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PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 11:55 am

Just going back to Newell's statement and the comments ref his daughter.

Her activity on ATD has been-

-Three user accounts since April, although She didn't have two at any one time
- The second account was used to attack this site and the posters on it. When this account was accused of being held by Newell's daughter it was denied. Her father also visited the home of a former AtD mod and spoke to her on the phone and she denied it was her (at the former mod's home). The mods asked the account holder to explain who they were and a name was given (a work colleague of Miss Newell). Her father has since admitted the account was hers.
- her latest account is used to view the site and rarely posts.

On the subject of family,
- the spoof ADT website which described users of this website in such endearing terms such as drug addicts, paedos and whores which Newell denied repeatedly on pasoti as him, featured an animal and it was described as a poster on this site's wife. Newell admitted on Cerbs' site that he was one of the people behind that site and paid £250 for its creation.
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statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 11:57 am

tcm wrote:
Freathy wrote:
tcm wrote:
hay ho,all very heart felt and that,i think its very bottem of the leauge syndrome myself,i understand andys piont of view,fair enough,but these are the facts weather you like it or not,6 and half 1000 for the norhamton gate because of leauge position,if we were top then 8/8500 through the gate,all you experts out there at running a football club,where were you when stapes(dr evil according to you lot lol! )was running the club,?ile remind you,,you were stood/sat on the terraces,supporting it,,,,for the shite that tring spouts, but a winning team out there and bang go the morals,,

A winning team? There's been no winning team for 5 years. And there's absolutely no sign of a winning team on the distant horizon!! That's the whole point FFS!!! All I've seen over past 5 years is asset stripping, greedy and outclassed 'directors' and property developers with no interest in football, and jumped up janners with absolutely nothing useful add gaining positions of influence which has gone hand in hand with very rapid decline on the pitch to a point where now we have 'team' that is so shit it's almost unwatchable. As for your 6,500 against the cobblers you may be right as it's early days but as the season drags on this will become less and less. People are not stupid.
and my whole point is that with a winning team the morals go out the window,,people that try to take the moral high ground were all there supporting stapes team,i expect you were too?,evry one new what we were paying for players every one new it couldnt go on BUT we all left are morals at home and skipped off to HP,

Not correct. I was warning where it would all end up if the greedy Stapleton regime didn't either promote the club and sell it to someone with an eye for potential, who did have enough cash to invest and probably reap the rewards of increased attendances and possibly top flight football at HP. Or at the very least welcome offers of investment for places on the board. They did neither til the horse had bolted, then they brought in the greedy, big time Charlies and kept on trying to feather their own nests, all of them !
I got so fed up being told to enjoy the ride that I only ventured to a few away games, saw the masses staring at planes at the Madejski , the Hawthorns and the Ricoh etc and just felt totally depressed at the inevitable decline just over the horizon.
To add insult to injury, it was at this time that the Nool led Politburo was springing into action, attempting to silence dissenting voices.' We'll never hear a bad word against Stapes and his lovely family'. Rolling Eyes

Footballing reality when it comes to England's 13 th largest city club is still recognised by very few. Greenskin is one who has tried factually and eloquently for years but it never seems to sink in. Peter Jones knows the score but clearly has now placed personal position over head and heart.

I was saying the same things and even wrote to the club and had letters published in the Herald as far back as post the Wembley play off with Warnock, pleading with the owner to seize the moment. This IS a big club in waiting , it just needs to be marketed correctly and have owners with just enough wealth to make a difference and send out the clear message that the club really means business, as has happened at many other clubs, previously going nowhere. The city and region will support the right product but after 100 years of non investment they are rightly sceptical.

Argyle has always suffered from the 'same old Argo' syndrome, now its image is far, far worse. People will not buy in just because of Salsa Verde, local pasties, new bars or glossy membership packages.

People like Nool n Webb think everyone should be as committed as them. It doesn't work like that and even they will tire of trawling up and down the country to godforsaken little clubs, watching the team lose.

It's all so parochial, so visionless, so Argyle........................................ but it doesn't have to be that way.

Last edited by Tringreen on Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 12:01 pm

Tcm, morals may not be important to you but there are too many of your support and are to me and other City fans. We don't care if you are top of the league or bottom, we just want your non entities, Newell and Webb to visit SJP and sit in the directors box and come face to face with real fans he has tried to bully and tried to slur, who want to do more than talk. We have nothing much against Webb, although his close links with Newell makes him guilty by association. I am sure as friends they will help reach other out when the talking stops.
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statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 12:10 pm

just read the herald were there is an open letter to argyle fans in it saying pretty much all the traditional bollocks you expect from green tints.

Its not online im affraid (well at least not yet) but its in todays herald
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Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake

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statement - Statement - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Statement   statement - Statement - Page 3 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 12:11 pm

There seems to be an incredibly strong bond of loyalty which ties all of those involved in the contingency stage of the admin process which extends beyond the ususual suspects and includes Peter Jones, Graham Clarke and Postey too. I don't recall any of them ever breaking ranks and criticising any of the others about anything. They have always been completely on message. In the mean time Brent, Newell and Webb appear to be besotted with one another and not one of them can see the wrong that any of the others does. Its totally beyond reason. Its like their all in love with each other and no matter how often they get told that the object of their affections is rotten to the core they will never see it because they don't want to. The only question is whether Peter Jones is a worried uncle dispensing sage advice or a starstruck and besotted lover too?
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